Governance and accountability for our school
Board of Education Members
Mr. Joe Frey, President
Mrs. Lisa Rachul
Mrs. Carissa Hudock
Dr. Allan Boike
Mrs. Jan Likowski
Contact the Board
RRLS was established by Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church to help carry out its’ mission. The School Board instituted a policy-based governance. The Early Education Director is accountable to the School Principal; the School Principal to the School Board; the School Board to the Senior Pastor; the Senior Pastor to the Board of Directors; and the Board of Directors to RRLC’s congregation. We are accountable when we live in obedience to God’s Word.
If a conflict or concern should arise, initial communication should be with the related group or individual directly, in accordance with Matthew 18. The next step would be to go to the group or individual with the next level of accountability, also in keeping with Matthew 18. Matters to be addressed by the School Board must be presented in writing to the Board President via email at, as needed.
”I love sending my child to a school where Christ is the center of her education, where she has Christian friends and teachers, and top-notch education is the standard.
Amanda S.RRLS Parent