Royal Redeemer Lutheran School’s hot lunch program is affordable and healthy.

School Lunch Updates
A hot and healthy lunch is available to all K-8 students and all full day preschool students thanks to our participation in the National School Lunch Program. Free & Reduced Lunch Applications are available in the school office or you may download and/or print an application by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
How much does it cost?
Lunch prices are: Staff $4.00 / K-8 $3.75 / Preschool $3.50, and include milk. K-8 students and full day preschool students buying a school lunch are offered a choice of one of two main options, with sides, OR students may bring their own packed, nut-free lunch to school. White or chocolate milk is also available for purchase at 0.50¢ each.
How will I know what my balance is?
You can check your balance through the Facts Family Portal or you may request a statement at any time. Payments can be made online through the Facts Family Portal or by sending cash or check (payable to RRLS) to the school office.
What's for lunch?
The lunch menu is in our weekly Countdown or in the Facts Family Portal, our student management system. Links are on our home page.